API Rreference

Messages API

The Messages API allows you to work with conversations and messages in your application. Whether you're building a messaging platform or enabling communication features, the Messages API provides the tools you need to create dynamic and engaging user experiences.

Retrieving Messages

To retrieve messages from a conversation using the Messages API, follow these steps:

  1. Identify Conversation: Obtain the conversation ID you want to retrieve messages from.

  2. API Endpoint: Construct the API endpoint for retrieving messages from the conversation.

  3. Make API Request: Use the appropriate HTTP method (usually GET) to make a request to the API endpoint.

  4. Process Response: Handle the API response containing the list of messages.

Sending Messages

To send messages using the Messages API, follow these steps:

  1. Identify Recipient: Determine the recipient's ID or conversation ID.

  2. Construct Payload: Create a payload containing the message content, sender information, and any relevant metadata.

  3. API Endpoint: Construct the API endpoint for sending messages.

  4. Make API Request: Use the appropriate HTTP method (usually POST) to send the message.

  5. Handle Response: Process the API response to confirm the message was sent successfully.

Message Formatting

Messages can include various formatting options for a richer user experience:

  • Text: Send plain text messages.

  • Links: Embed URLs for users to click.

  • Images: Attach image URLs for inline display.

  • Emojis: Use emojis to convey emotions.

  • Attachments: Share files and documents.

Pagination and Filtering

When dealing with a large number of messages, implement pagination and filtering:

  • Pagination: Retrieve messages in batches using pagination parameters.

  • Filtering: Retrieve specific types of messages or messages within a certain timeframe.

Error Handling

Always handle errors gracefully when interacting with the Messages API:

  • Check the API response status to determine the success or failure of a request.

  • Implement appropriate error messages or feedback for users.

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